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Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff can be contacted via email as follows: [first name].[last name]

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Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes

Class of 97
LS Primary Hearts Teacher

Mrs. Symone James Abiola

Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Mrs. Carla Jantos MacMullen

Head of School

Mrs. Michele Jeffries

Class of ’97
LS Primary Hearts Teacher

Mrs. Ginny Jervis

MS English Teacher, MS History Teacher, MS Yearbook Teacher

Mr. Nicholas Johnson

US History Teacher

Mrs. Karin Kennedy

Class of '91
Database Administrator

Ms. Melodie Kosman

US World Languages Teacher

Mrs. Cassia Lee

LS/MS/US Music Teacher

Ms. Janet Magargal

US Science Teacher

Mrs. Annette Markowitz

Art Department Chair, MS/US Art Teacher

Mrs. Laura Mullan

MS Science Teacher